
Robotics has marked the end of 20th century and with a huge swing, moves the science of the 21st century. The eternal wish for creating artificial creations, that would physically and intellectually surpass human abilities, makes the robotics attractive and present in many scientific branches (computer science, engineering, mathematics, biology, medicine...). Alike man, so as research in robotics has manifold character and wide interdisciplinarity, that will keep the actuality of this scientific branch in the future.

There is no doubt that the researches connected to the creation of adequate technologies (example, for composites), are connected with the robotic improvement, because in base, robotics try to replace the human intellectual and physical capacity in the realization of the processes, that otherwise would be performed and finished manually, by the human being. Certainly in the 21st century, the manual realization of the processes is practically unfeasible, not only because of the great complexity of the processes, but also because of the level of performances (speed, preciseness, quality,...), that have to be provided with a realization of those processes, and with high product demands, that permanently rise, as a result of the quick development of science and technology. There we come to the need for development of high productive and specialized machines, that will give leading performances which will very quickly appear on the market for meeting and satisfying the clients demands. This concept is directly confronted to the idea for imitating the human being. The human being is a universal "machine" that can perform various operations and activities, with great flexibility and tendency for learning. In order this situation to be overcome, universal machines, capable to move objects in space or tools and to perform various jobs in the complex processes are being developed in the past decades. They are prepared for a quick communication with the operator, have ability for quick "learning" of the required tasks for processes realization, and can work in all kinds of environments without human presence.