Electronic, electrical and computer engineering

Electrotechnics - field of engineering that generally takes interest in studying and implementation of electric power in everyday's life. If in the past the electrical and electronic engineering were one unity, today there's a clear difference between them. The electrical engineering studies the phenomena connected to production and electricity transfer. The electronic engineering studies the development of electronic circuits, where with the help of the electric power, transfer and data processing is enabled. Electrotechnics has more sub-disciplines as:
Energetics - field of electro-technical engineering that deals with production, transfer and distribution of electric power so as designing of adequate machines necessary for performing that job. Transformers, generators, electrical engines, high power machines etc. belong to this field.
Automatics - field of electro-technical engineering dealing with invention and implementation of systems for industrial machines control and processes so that the human workforce could be replaced. If mechanics deals with invention of machines that could replace human workforce, automatics deal with invention of control systems that will control those machines. The engineers- automaticians are focused on modeling of various dynamic systems, designing of controllers that will perform the requested working tasks. In order these controllers to be implemented, the engineers use electrical circuits, processors, microcontrollers, programmable logic controllers etc.
Electronics - field of electro-technical engineering, dealing with designing and testing of electrical circuits that are composed of components such as resistors, condensers, diodes and transistors, in order to achieve some function.
Microelectronics - field of electro-technical engineering dealing with design and production of very small electronic components that will be further used in integrated circuits. Well known components of microelectronics are semi-conductors, so as the basic electronic components like resistors, condensers, spools that are produced on a microscopic level.The next level is nano-electronics, meaning decreasing of the components to a nanometrical level.
Signals processing - field of electro-technical engineering, dealing withanalysis and manipulation of signals. The signals can be analogous (the signal changes continually during time) or digital (the signal changes according to the series of discreet values that present the information).
Instrumentation - field of electro-technical engineering that deals with design and production of appliances that measures the physical extents like temperature, pressure, speed, flux etc. Knowledge of physics and electro-magnetism is necessary for designing these kinds of appliances. The word sensor is often used like a substitute of the word instrumentation.
Computer engineering - field of electro-technical engineering dealing with design of computers and computer systems. It includes new hardware design or computers usage in the industrial plants. The computer engineers are often engaged in software creation, but the design of complex software systems belongs to the field called computer engineering.
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ОДЛУКА за усвојување на Извештај од Комисија за преглед, оценување и одбрана на магистерски труд и закажување на термин за одбрана
ОДЛУКА за усвојување на Извештај од Комисија за преглед, оценување и одбрана на магистерски труд и закажување на термин за одбрана
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