Mechanical engineering

Mechanical engineering is a complex constructive process that includes other engineering disciplines. It's an applied science that tries to explain the newly discovered and unexplained phenomena. Technology and mechanical engineering are practical application of the scientific knowledge. The scientists develop science and the engineers develop technology. In the process of new technologies development, the engineers of the mechanical engineering field, often research new phenomena, new products, often gradually entering in the science sphere . Generally said, the mechanical engineering presents appliance of science and scientific knowledge in the design, analysis and construction of new technologies that have an ability to be implemented and used for practical work. With other words, mechanical engineering is a discipline that applies the physics laws in analysis, design, manufacturing, usage and maintenance of the mechanical systems. That requires solid knowledge in the area of mechanics, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, material science and materials processing technology. All of this is implemented in the production and analysis of different types of machines, engines and vehicles, industrial equipment, various mechanisms and robots, heating and cooling systems, experimental mechanics and various parts of equipment used in military and aircraft industry. The engineering research has different type of character than scientific one. The engineers' task is with their own research to find approximative solutions for solving a given problem or improving the existing solutions. That's why we can say that engineering presents designing of solutions for the existing problems. Using the knowledge from the mathematic field and other fundamental sciences, so as own obtained experience, helps engineers to construct the suitable mathematical model for a given product that enables further analysis and improvement of the existing solutions. The engineers always want to predict how successfully their project would satisfy the given requirements for a certain product, before it's produced. Prototypes and models are produced, simulation and tests for the functionality of the model, beside the usage of various mathematical and physical analysis and formulas are made, in order to be seen how much one mechanical product will be functional and how long it will last. The tests and experiments are made to prove that the examined product will apply and function according to the designed and predicted one.

The mechanical engineering is a practical discipline that enables real problem solving, with solutions that are often not quite exposed in a rigorous scientific sense. As an applied science, engineering is also dealing with the improvement, optimization and advancement of the existing products. All of that is one of the main indicators for the progress of one company, and of the whole society also.